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Lime Wash

Experts in traditional lime mortar 


Lime Render is a lime-based cementitious mix applied to the external surface of traditionally-built stone buildings. It allows the building to breathe – as lime is porous it allows for the collection and evaporation of moisture. Lime render can be used for external protection to masonry units with poor quality stone, or highly exposed locations, were facing winds and rain is destroying the masonry units. For more information on our lime rendering services, please contact us.

Lime Render / Wash FAQs

Do I need lime render?

If you have a traditional building that has evidence that’s it pervious lime render / hauling or if you have traditional building with cement render, then there is very strong chance you need new lime render    

Limewash is vapour permeable sacrificial treatment which protectes your building against the worst weather and plays a  important part in protecting your building 

Lime harling can range from £100-£160 sqm for application only. This depends on the building, other costs to consider are scaffolding, removing old render from building and any unforeseen cost under old render. It is expensive work but would last many years. 

Why is cement Render bad?

Cement renders traps the moisture, which through the action of frost and the concentration of salts accelerates the decay of the stone.

Cement-rich mortars, as these will set harder than the stone. Cement mortar is less porous than stone, so moisture gets trapped in the stone and evaporates at the stone face, causing it to weather rapidly and over time leaves the render breaking away from the building

In addition to damaging the stone stonework, cement, rich mortar looks out of place, as it is often a gray or off-white colour which does not complement the colour of the stone.


Lime Wash house in East Lothian below